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Terms & Conditions

The Competition
Competition prizes will be advertised on the Website, Facebook and Instagram
The price per ticket and the number of tickets available will be set on the day the competition is launched and
will not change.
Discounts may be offered the more tickets you buy.
Once 50% of the tickets are sold a closing date for the competition draw will be set.
In exceptional circumstances, the Promoter reserves the right to change the Closing Date of a competition. If
the Promoter does change the Closing Date of a competition the new details will be displayed on Facebook
and the Website.

How to enter
To enter the competition, you need contact the Promoter via the Website, Facebook, Email.
A fee is required for each entry to a competition or a free entry route is available by post.
You can request to be given a random number or pick a specific number of your choice. This is subject to
availability. If the number is available the Promoter will reply clearly stating the number(s) mentioned and
confirm that you can secure that number subject to payment being received.
The number(s) will only be secured once the Promoter has received payment. Once payment has been
confirmed the Promoter will message you to confirm payment and what number(s) are yours. This will act as a
receipt and proof of entry. Your name and number will then get added to a spreadsheet which will be available
to view close to the time of the draw.
If payment is not received in the allocated time then the Promoter has a right to sell the number(s) to another
player at any time and will notify you they are no longer reserved in your name. Payment must be received to
secure numbers.
All competition entries (whether paid or free) must be received by the Promoter before the time on the
Closing Date. Keep an eye on the Promoters Facebook for all updates.
Any competition entries received after the Closing Date will not be entered into the draw. Payments made
after the draw will not be counted.
Competition entries cannot be returned once payment has been made.

Free postal entry
You can enter a Competition for free by sending the following details in sealed envelope.
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Email address
- Date of Birth
- Details of the competition you wish to enter
- A statement that you agree to all terms and conditions displayed on our website (I Full name agree to
the terms and conditions displayed on the website)
- Signature
- Date
Send envelope addressed to… C & R Promotions Ltd, First Floor Office,3 Hornton Place, London, W8 4LZ

There is a limit of 5 free postal entries per person for each competition and each envelope will only count as
one entry.
Only 2 people per household can enter the same competition via free post entry.
Entries on behalf of another person will not be accepted and joint submissions are not allowed.
It is your responsibility to make sure all handwriting can be clearly read and understood by the Promoter.
All postal entries must be received at least 72 hours before the Closing date of the relevant Competition or the
entry won’t be included.
All valid postal entries will have the same chance of winning as a paid entry.
Once your free post entry has been processed by the Promoter, you will receive confirmation of this, along
with your number(s) via email and text using the information you have provided this will count as your receipt
of your free entry and proof of your ticket number.
The Promoter will not accept:
Responsibility for competition entries that are lost, mislaid, damaged or delayed in transit, regardless of cause,
including any postal failure, equipment failure, technical malfunction, systems, satellite, network, server,
computer hardware or software failure of any kind.
If the prize draw has reached its maximum number of participants before your entry is processed, your entry
will not be included and you will be informed. Please check the Promoter’s Facebook Account for all updates.
By submitting a competition entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions and our
Privacy Policy.

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